How to Utilize These Checklists and Instructions

These checklists and instructions are designed to simplify your tax reporting process and help you better understand how taxes work in Canada. You can choose and download those that are applicable to your specific tax situation.

  1. Income Tax Preparation Checklist: This is for preparing basic personal tax returns. It includes a list of necessary personal information for new clients, as well as common tax slips (T4, T5, T4E, RL-1), tax credits (e.g., tuition, medical, donation), and deductions (e.g., RRSP, childcare) to complete your return.
  2. Self-Employed Business Tax Preparation Checklist: For self-employed individuals or sole proprietors, this checklist helps you organize total annual income and categories of business expenses needed for tax filing.
  3. Rental Income Tax Preparation Checklist: For individuals with rental properties, this checklist assists in reporting rental income and expenses accurately.
  4. Moving Expenses Checklist: For claiming qualified moving expenses if you moved for work and your new home is at least 40 kilometers closer to your workplace.
  5. Employment Expenses Checklist: For individuals claiming employment-related expenses, such as home office or vehicle costs. To qualify, you must pay these expenses yourself and obtain a signed T2200 form from your employer.
  6. Corporation Tax Preparation Checklist: For corporation owners, this checklist organizes company information, business income, and expenses needed for corporate tax returns.
  7. Digital Signature Instructions: A guide on how to complete digital signatures, which will be sent to you for signing before e-filing your taxes.
  8. CRA Authorization Instructions: Instructions for authorizing us to access your personal or business CRA account by logging into CRA My Account or CRA My Business Account.
  9. Guide for Newcomer Tax Filing: This guide outlines the documents and steps newcomers to Canada need to prepare for filing their first tax return, and what to expect after submitting it.
  10. How to Make a Payment to the CRA: A step-by-step guide on how to make payments for individual or business tax balances owed to the CRA.
  11. How to Register for CRA MY Account: A step-by-step guide on how to register for CRA My Account for individual tax.
  12. How to Register for CRA MY Business Account: A step-by-step guide on how to register for CRA My Business Account for business taxes.

Each checklist or guide will help you gather necessary information, organize your documents, and understand the steps involved in preparing and filing your taxes.