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What Can be Claimed as Moving Expenses

I have to move from Alberta to Ontario to take my new job offer. Can I claim moving expenses?

Yes, you can deduct eligible moving expenses from the employment income you earn at your new location.


I am a new immigrant and have to move from abroad to Canada to take the job offer. Can I claim moving expenses?

No, you can’t since it requires you to be a resident of Canada.


I moved into my new house, which is less than 40km to my place of work. Can I claim moving expenses?

No, to qualify for moving expenses, the new home that you established at least 40 kilometres closer to your new place of work or business than your previous home was.


My wife and my children moved with me from Alberta to Ontario because my new job required me to move. Can I claim the plane tickets I bought for them?

Yes, if you are qualified to claim moving expenses, you can claim most amounts that you paid for moving yourself, your family and your household items. Not all household members have to travel together or at the same time.


I moved from Halifax to Ottawa for my job. After I moved, my father lived in my home in Halifax for a while, then I rented it out. Can I claim the cost of the house?

No, you cannot claim these costs during a period when the old home was rented. The costs must have been incurred when your old home was not occupied by you or any other person who resided with you at the old home before the move.


I moved from Edmonton to Ottawa for my new job. I sold my home in Edmonton. Can I claim the cost?

If you sold the home right after you moved and you didn’t delay selling for investment purposes or until the real estate market improved, you can claim the cost of selling your old home, which includes the following:

  • advertising
  • notary or legal fees
  • real estate commission
  • mortgage penalty when the mortgage is paid off before maturity

You cannot claim expense for work done to make your old home more saleable.


I moved from Toronto to Ottawa for my new job and bought a new home in Ottawa. Can I claim the cost?

It depends. If you sold your old home because of your move, you can claim the following costs:

  • legal or notary fees
  • Taxes paid for the registration or transfer of title (do not include GST/HST)


I received a reimbursement from my employer for my eligible moving expenses. Can I still claim the moving expenses?

You cannot claim expenses you were reimbursed for by your employer and that are not included in your income.

If your moving expenses are more than the allowance you received, you can claim your moving expenses after you reduce them by the amount received.

The CRA may ask you to provide a letter from your employer stating that you were not reimbursed for the moving expenses you are claiming.




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